Portfolio of Services

Our proactive approach protects you against undiscovered, unreported, unprepared and unpaid losses.

This is what WeatherShield does to help protect you…

We’re your Property Watchdog, Assett Advisor & Policy Coverage Consultant

Asset Risk Analysis

Now is the time to find out if you have the right insurance coverage. When a loss occurs, it’s too late to make changes to your policy.

Pre-Purchase Due Diligence

Looking to invest in new property but not sure what to expect? Let us do a full exterior inspection for prior storm damage before you make an offer to purchase. Insurance claims can be filed by the existing owner ahead of the closing of new property therefore avoiding unwanted expense.

Latent Damage Identification

Did you know that nearly half of all property losses go unreported? Make sure you’re aware of old storm damage before it’s too late to file a claim.

24/7 Asset Monitoring

With our multi-level monitoring options we know about potential hail damage in realtime. This allows us to quickly inspect property, get claims submitted for approval, and repairs completed with minimal loss to protect your property values

Insurance Claim Management

How can you be confident that your Adjuster has fully compensated you following your loss? Our Insurance Claim Managers ensure all damage is properly documented and you receive the full benefits owed.

Restoration Project Management

Having a dedicated Project Manager to develop a comprehensive project plan that’s built for your business needs is key to a safe and successful restoration.